Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is an american thriller film by debut director Shane Black. The film stars Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. The plot involves a petty thief (Robert Downey Jr) posing as an actor who is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation along with his high school dream girl (Michelle Monaghan) and a detective (Val Kilmer) who's been training him for his upcoming role in the film. The genre of this film is a mixture of action/thriller with strong comedic elements and these are shown by the opening titles. The colours white, black and a pale red foreshadow the films possible themes. The red commonly represents death, danger and lust and the contrasting black and white is like a battle between good and evil, right and wrong. The white is also often used as a symbol of innocence or purity and this is shown through the character of Harmony Faith Lane. The mise-en-scene in the titles show bullet holes, guns and ladies lips which supports the genre and the elements shown by the colours. The music that accompanies the sequence is like a jazz/blues sound adds a light hearted, sexy feel to the scene but also adds intrigue and mystery. The animation is simple looking; it does not utilise a whole pallet of colours and there is little detail on the people or figures, but it does flow smoothly and uses the whole screen to create a full and interesting opening sequence.
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